Saturday 5 November 2011

Blog school

Congratulations to my cousin Gareth and his lovely new wife Lisa who were married yesterday, it was a great day and they both looked very happy!
At the wedding I got the chance to talk all things blog with my cousin Lynne from Tea for Joy and she's full of great ideas! Lynne's a seasoned blogger and I'm well........let's just say, a slow learner and could do with blog advice! So Lynne has enrolled me in Blog school! when she's home for Christmas! Can't wait! Lynne you're my blog guru!
Back to school


  1. yey, excited for blog school! Here's a few NI bloggers I've come across: (think she might live in London, but AMAZING photos - she's a photographer.)

  2. Thanks Lynne,I'll check them out! great to see you yesterday xx


Thanks for all your comments : )